UK News about Truckers Strike news is finally spreading worldwide.
Big Rig Documentary about Trucking comes out in June
You think you've got problems's gonna get worse
Food Riots Already Happening
Mexico Food Riots
Global Rice Shortage
Haiti Food Riots
Africa Food Riots
Yemen Food Riots
World Food Crisis
It's all about Biofuels - Biofuel crops replacing grain crops along with drought have caused a world food shortage. Ask yourself - Who knew to plant biofuel crops before the price of oil skyrocketed?
Who controls the Biofuel Industry?
Who bought hundreds of thousands of acres in Paraguay - is it for biofuels/food/water?
Welcome to Life under the New World Order
GM Crops kill Bees and then Mankind
Long Video worth watching:
US food comes from Genetically Modified crops which cover over 80% of the globe. Including biofuel crops. Everything you now eat is genetically modified or created from gm crops.
GM Food is linked to the increases of autism - brain aging in children - the weakest link, growth and immune suppression...time will tell what it does to the rest of us.
You are now dependent on Big Oil and Big Food - Big Water is next - you have been assimilated.
To all my tractor trailer driving trucker friends - have a nice day and enjoy your coffee.