Even though the price of a barrel of oil has gone down it hasn't changed prices much at the pump. We are told that the reason for this is because the price at the pump now is a reflection of the higher oil prices over the last 6 months. It takes time for cheaper oil prices to affect pump prices since gasoline is bought months in advance. Maybe we will see lower prices right before the election - that would not be a surprise.
With fuel prices still high you will still see lots of used semis and used tractor trailer rigs for sale online and on the side of the road. So now is the time to buy that used semi you've been thinking about before fuel prices drop - because then heavy truck prices will go back up. Or maybe you are considering going into a different type of business that involves using heavy equipment.
Whatever you are looking for you are sure to find it at Used Heavy Equipment.
Truckers Strike Worldwide:
Updates for Truckers Shut-down OpEdNews - Newtown,PA,USATruckers Plan Strike September 2nd, 11th and 12th 2008. "The date for the shutdown is September 2nd, 11th and 12th …. nationwide, get the word out …
Colombia coffee stocks low as truck strike drags onguardian.co.uk - UKBOGOTA, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Colombia coffee inventories at port were very low on Monday as a truck strike entered its 12th day with little sign that the ...
Official: Indian government mulls fuel price hikeInternational Herald Tribune - France... and its allies in the run-up to elections. In July, millions of truck drivers went on strike across India to protest rising fuel prices and road tolls.