Monday, May 18, 2009

Swine Flu is still spreading - Just not Top News Anymore

Although it's not in the news as much it seems to me that the Swine Flu has spread alot in schools.

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ABC News Swine Flu Shuts Down 16 NYC Schools ABC News - USAAs more school shut their doors in response to the swine flu threat, fears over the illness are beginning to resurge. Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Frieden ...See all stories on this topic

N95 Masks 20 for $26.71
N95 Masks
20 for $27

I am still using sanitary wipes after visiting public places.

Great time to buy a boat - all kinds of bargains here in Florida.

Everyones selling their fun toys like muscle cars now.

Saturday, May 09, 2009


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With Home Grocery Delivery
Mass. confirms 7 more swine flu casesBoston Globe - United StatesBOSTON—State health officials say they've confirmed seven new cases of swine flu in Massachusetts, bringing the total number of cases in the state to 88. ...See all stories on this topic

I still use hand sanitizer to prevent catching the swine flu. Yes it takes some effort to be more conscientious but it helps that my significant other is just as concerned. It would be alot harder if I was with someone that didn't care... and I have heard my fill from people like that. Even dear mom is not appropriate for Mothers Day...she just doesn't think it's anything to worry about. Won't use hand sanitizer...won't change the way she does things one bit.

9 May 2009 -- As of 06:00 GMT, 9 May 2009, 29 countries have officially reported 3440 cases of influenza A(H1N1) Infection

It's going to be a long hot's already been in the mid 90's in May which is unusual this early as it is supposed to be spring still...had to turn on the ac last week just couldn't take the heat anymore...last time it was this hot this early was the year 2004 when Florida had lots of hurricanes. I have a feeling we are going to see alot of people suffering in this heat if it keeps up like this. We only go out early in the morning to work on the boat and after 6 in the evening.

Friday, May 08, 2009


Save Gas/Time
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With Home Grocery Delivery

We are going out more now these days - went to a small marine surplus store and also a paint shop - hardly anyone there...then stopped for a sub and even ate it where we bought it...but Bunnell is far more rural so no one was guy feels safer in small shops and small towns - so do I. Though we still use hand sanitizer after touching store door handles. No crowds to contend with and if you know where to go there are still bargains to be found.

Swine flu is still in the news though not as much as in weeks past... CDC now confirms 1639 cases in 43 states

We are in the process of restoring a 36' project boat and are just now getting started on it...looking at everything we need to sand and paint the bottom and then compound and polish the hull. Then on to removing and replacing the marine engines. This project will keep him at home with plenty to do for the next 6 months I am guessing. Just in time for the 2nd round of swine flu in the fall. The prices of boats have dropped drastically in the last few months as the economy goes into freefall so there are plenty of great deals to be found out there.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Keeping People & Pets Safe from Viruses

Some more advice from my friend Lynda about keeping germ free....

"Another tidbit: When you go to a public building that does not use door knobs but rather those handles. I make sure that I pull from the bottom of that handle rather than the top. If you look closely you will notice that the handle is well worn at the top but the bottom may have the original patina. Eric does one better he uses the bottom but only with his little finger. I've just learned something new today :-)
Siberian Kittens
When I became a cat breeder it was absolutely necessary to wash my hands including up to the elbows when I would go from kitty room to kitty room. Sometimes that meant as much as 60 times per day!

The purpose of segregation of mothers with young babies from the rest of the population is to safeguard those babies with lesser immunities from those that have better systems to fight viruses and the transmission of diseases. If I don't wash my hands up to the elbows I am the reason that illness are transmitted.

In humans it is the babies that have the most danger of becoming ill.

When I am doing my duties I start with clean clothes and work with the babies first and then the youngsters then the adult population. I also realize that viruses and bacteria can hang onto the clothing that we wear. Never do I start with the adults and work backwards. If I do, I change to a clean set of clothing.

Just a little more babble........My cat nursery (where moms and very young babies reside and grow up) is empty. I birth my queens in my bedroom just in case they start in the middle of the night. My nursery is the bedroom next to me. Before I move these next mothers and babies I will steam clean that room...... ceiling, walls and furniture and especially the floors. After I have done the floors I will still disinfect the floors especially the grout before I will allow those precious babies into that room.

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N95 Masks 20 for $26.71
N95 Masks
20 for $27
I'll give you 3 guesses as to what I am doing this afternoon.

Is it worth it?????? Absolutely!!!!!!

This same advice can be applied to any family with infants and young children!

Going overboard??? no way!!!! - better safe than sorry :-) Lynda "


N95 Masks 20 for $26.71

N95 Masks

20 for $27
After I started passing this blog around I got some feedback from various friends and relatives about what they do to stay flu free. I thought I would quote one of them here.

"Thanks for the article, I keep hand sanitizer in my car and in my purse. I wash my hands for at least 30 seconds and especially when I am in a public restroom I continue to employ that methodology. AND when I am done wiping my hands I save the paper towel using it to open the restroom door. This is for all those people that don't wash after peeing.

When I got out to grocery shop , I make absolutely sure that I do not touch my face while in public, even if it means chanting silently to myself as a constant reminder.

Another way of transmission is the daily purse that we use. Going to a public restroom and setting the purse on the floor or even in any floor in any public place is cause for concern. If it is necessary for me to place my purse on any floor surface, it is disinfected that day. I still haven't gotten into the habit of cleaning at least the bottom of my purse daily but I am working on it ;-)

One other hint from Heloise. That shopping carts with the openings to carry babies is the worst place to put any produce products. Babies often times have dirty diapers when they are sitting there! Yuck!

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When I worked for AT&T before I met you, I carried a bottle of alcohol in a spray bottle. Before I would use any operator station I would spray it down especially the keyboard and wipe it clean. Some thought that I was paranoid. But I didn't get the colds that were going around in the room.

Paranoid?? Maybe.

Cautious?? Yes

Sick?? Nope.

That last time that I got sick with flu like symptoms was 1988!

No brag just fact! ;-) " - Lynda

Thanks Lynda for those words of wisdom - Ann


From this article:
"One study conducted with a regular seasonal strain of influenza virus found that the virus could survive on facial tissues for several minutes and for two to eight hours on stainless steel or plastic surfaces."

Many of us don't consider all the times we touch surfaces strangers have touched in our daily lives. You pull in to pump gas - you touch the gas pump handle. You walk thru the door of a convenience store or any store for that matter - you touch the door handle.
N95 Masks 20 for $26.71
N95 Masks
20 for $27

And of course we all know how bad public restrooms can be. Elevator buttons, store counters, restaurant tables and chairs. The list is endless - enough to make anyone stay home out of paranoia.
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With Home Grocery Delivery
I keep anti-bacterial Wipes in my car and purse and next to the kitchen sink - especially for the refrigerator handle. Some people aren't as careful as others so the rest of us have to make up for it. Even though the media is soft pedaling the symptoms I would rather err on the side of caution and remain vigilant in fighting all those nasty germs out there. Keep on washing your hands people and avoid crowds- this ain't over yet.

Sunday, May 03, 2009


N95 Masks 20 for $26.71
N95 Masks
20 for $27

Canadian Pigs Have Swine Flu: Caught From a Worker Returning From Mexico - This means this virus can now be passed from human to swine...what we don't know is if it could be passed to other mammals like dogs and cats, and if it can, how it will affect them.

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Normally viruses cannot be passed from humans to could cough next to a dog or cat and it would not affect them. But not anymore...only time will tell how bad this thing really is.

Bored at Home?

Do Some Gardening!

Since the media is now soft pedaling the symptoms people will not be as careful about things and more people will let themselves be exposed - thinking it's not that bad...until Fido and Fluffy get sick.

We were thinking it was ok to go out to eat - until I also read this:
Florida up to 15 suspected, 3 confirmed cases of swine flu
ABC Action News - Tampa,FL,USA
TALLAHASSEE, FL -- Florida's Department of Health says they are now monitoring 15 probable cases of swine flu throughout the state, and said a third case of ... See all stories on this topic

Swine Flu Symptoms Not So Bad - So No more Worries - Right?

N95 Masks 20 for $26.71
N95 Masks
20 for $27

Well from what I've been hearing the symptoms of the swine flu are not so bad...
3 days and it's may be contagious for a bit longer than your symptoms but it doesn't seem even as bad as the common cold from what I've read.

Bored at Home?

Do Some Gardening!

So now we will go out for those .50 cent chicken wings on weekdays and take our chances. Restaurants aren't as crowded on weekdays either. I can go without seeing relatives and going out to bars...we never did that much anyways...
but kinda tough to quit going out to eat at least once a week. I'm a great cook but even I need a change. I am hoping if we do catch it - it will make us more immune to the next strain coming in the fall or winter.
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Luckily I work from home so I don't have to deal with all the co-worker issues...I think people will still stay at home more and do more gardening...maybe fix up their houses a bit to pass the time. I think people will have second thoughts about going out to public pools and entertainment venues. You will see more at home birthday parties for the kids. Mom will stock up the pantry a little more this summer. I already put my garden in so now have lots of weed pulling to do. Wish it would rain more - the pond is dry and it's getting to be in the 80's now. I already ordered masks and had some leftover from when the Bird Flu was in the news a few years ago. Well it's back to posting ads for harleys for sale and such...have a great day.

Saturday, May 02, 2009


N95 Masks 20 for $26.71
20 - N95 Masks
On Sale - $26.71
I talk to my family by email regularly and they live all over the brother in Dallas says yup the schools are sister in Houston says yup the schools are closed...and these people are clean freaks - I wonder how they are handling it.
Got invited to a pool party today here in Orlando but some guests will be flying in from Europe so not too sure I wanna be around them so may not go-it's harder now to stand there when someone gets right up in your face to talk...from what I've read people can be contagious without even having any symptoms at first...I catch things pretty easy...even if someone coughs on the other side of the room I seem to catch it.
Save Gas/Time
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With Home Grocery Delivery
I ordered masks since I can't seem to find them in any of the stores around here. My cousin in New Hampshire was grateful when I sent her my blog so she could order them online as she says she couldn't find any in the stores near her either. First time she was ever that nice about my writing - usually she tears it apart. LOL Have a great weekend. I know after awhile I will get used to this new lifestyle - time to pay more attention to my garden I guess.

Friday, May 01, 2009


N95 Masks 20 for $26.71
20 - N95 Masks
On Sale - $26.71
Get Masks while you can cause there are none at the last Walmart I went to in Deltona, Florida....
you can Buy Masks Online or try finding them in the stores. I have had no luck. We were already stocked up for regular groceries and each day we go out and buy a few more things as we think of them...but soon it will not be a good idea to go out as much. Such a shame as we liked going out to eat but now when you do you have 2nd thoughts. Best to stay home as much as you can and out of public places. Kids are great for spreading germs so I try to stay as far away from them as possible. Bought lots of anti-bacterial wet ones (they come in the yellow packs) for wiping my hands off after touching grocery carts, door handles, even my own groceries. Be sure to wash your hands and all your produce real good.
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With Home Grocery Delivery
That flu germ lasts 15 minutes on surfaces so wipe off your counters with lysol or vinegar. If you share your frig with a roomate you may want to have a talk and wipe off the frig handle regularly. I love my family but my sisters kids are not going to be as careful as I they can just email me...heard they were shuttin down schools in Dallas and Houston which are two really big cities I have relatives in so...soon it shall be over this way. My cousin in New Hampshire said it was already up there...and she won't be flying down to see me anymore for awhile. It was not crowded at all in the grocery stores thankfully but I'm sure by next weekend it will be. From now on we will be going early in the morning when it's cool and not that crowded on weekdays. Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I am truly a nut gatherer when it comes to winter and for months now I have been preparing by stocking up on all different types of food. I felt that no matter what Obama did he could not stave off the current and ongoing economic collapse that has befallen the entire world. This is not something I am blaming anyone for's time to look past that... and look towards being prepared. I have always been the type of person that hoped for the best and prepared for the worst. Or at least hoped I did enough to prepare. It's hard to know what enough is.
Suffice it to say that if you have even thought of preparing for economic hard times you are now not just among the few ...but among the many. If you have tried hard not to spend and instead tried to pay off your debts - then you are thoughtful of at least that. That owing less is a better position to be in. And even if you can't get past that - and the best you can do is set aside food for yourself and your least there was some forethought there. We all know that we can do more to prepare ourselves ...but we do the best that we can. It always helps to know that there are others that think the same way we do - so you are not alone in your thoughts. Keep up the good work and set aside dried goods and canned one expected the weather we are having now. Perhaps this is Gods way of reminding us to be more prepared. I would highly recommend even considering dehydrated foods from have enjoyed their 3 day sampler and I think that after trying it out you will come to the same conclusion ...that the aluminum foil packaging and long shelf life of their products is the way to go. It takes up less space than canned food, for less money and stores longer without corrosion.... and even in damp climates. Give em a look see and you will be pleasantly surprised to find out that - is the way to go.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Teamsters May Strike at Seaports

Gasoline prices rise on possibility of refinery strike
Los Angeles Times - CA,USA... efforts by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters to organize truck drivers at US seaports and the recent strike threat from utility workers who ...See all stories on this topic

Yes it looks like gasoline prices are rising and having a refinery strike looming doesn't help.
Time again to sell all those gas guzzling semis...if you need help selling one I can post yours for no up front cost to you on my Used Heavy Equipment site.

Do you have old used equipment you need to get rid of? I can do that too just email me the pictures of it and as much information as possible about it.

There's a nice Twin Screw Freightliner on my site you might also be interested in.